8/30/2009 Annapolis 10 Miler

usna out members marching onto the white house

Joe Soto ’83 with Barb
still dry before running the
Annapolis 10 Miler 8/30/2009

USNA Out was running around Annapolis this weekend. At the race itself we got VIP parking right in front of the stadium for the tailgater. Smokin’ Joe ran a 76 and I had a PR of 1:46 despite the heat and humidity. Duh, it is August in Annapolis.

The day began with a power outage as I was putting in my contact lenses. (My fellow myopes-try putting them in by moonlight next time–it ain’t easy.) The weather at the start was 75 degrees and overcast–just a tease. At mile 3 (for me) the sunglasses went on as the sun beat down and cranked up the temps on King George St. The eventual winner blew past everybody (even the pace car at one point) and won by a 5 minute margin in 49 minutes. I saw him go by as we were on the bridge. Me at mile 4 and he at mile 8. Young whipper-snappers. The ice cold towels and the finisher’s shirts at the end are the best. Thanks to Jeff, MC and Kap who woke up early and rooted us on.

usna out members marching onto the white house

Joe Soto ’83 with Barb
still dry before running the
Annapolis 10 Miler 8/30/2009

USNA Out was running around Annapolis this weekend. At the race itself we got VIP parking right in front of the stadium for the tailgater. Smokin’ Joe ran a 76 and I had a PR of 1:46 despite the heat and humidity. Duh, it is August in Annapolis.

The day began with a power outage as I was putting in my contact lenses. (My fellow myopes-try putting them in by moonlight next time–it ain’t easy.) The weather at the start was 75 degrees and overcast–just a tease. At mile 3 (for me) the sunglasses went on as the sun beat down and cranked up the temps on King George St. The eventual winner blew past everybody (even the pace car at one point) and won by a 5 minute margin in 49 minutes. I saw him go by as we were on the bridge. Me at mile 4 and he at mile 8. Young whipper-snappers. The ice cold towels and the finisher’s shirts at the end are the best. Thanks to Jeff, MC and Kap who woke up early and rooted us on.

On Saturday we had a dinner at Shawn’s awesome house with 6 USNA Out folks and 6 mids. Almost all of the mids thanked me (us) for just being there. It was quite touching.

We went to a women’s soccer game (Navy won) on Sunday afternoon and some friends from DC joined us. We went on a tour of the Yard and I ended up doing push-ups for not knowing who Luce was. One of our mids showed camaraderie by joining me but bilged me by doing the push-ups with cute claps between each one. I liked the spunk.

Next year I’d like to challenge KnightsOut and the Blue Alliance to the race. Joe and I discussed categories such as -best decor at the tailgater- best cheer and oh yea the race itself. Start your training now to Beat Army and those Zoomies next year.

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