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Jeff Morrison ’04 and Joe Soto ’83 lead the
USNA Out contingent with Sean and Brian Bender ’93
bringing up the rear
USNA Out members Brian Bender ‘93, Joe Soto ‘83, and Jeff Morrison ‘04 and their friends and family completed the 5K Out-Fit Challenge on Saturday, June 29, 2013. The mud-run was held in conjunction with the New York City LGBT Pride in Tuxedo National Park approximately one hour outside New York City.
This Out-Fit Challenge is allegedly the first ever national LGBT mud-run. USNA Out members were at the starting line for the inaugural event. The six of us worked as a team helping one another over, under and through thirteen muddy obstacles completing the race hand-in-hand across the finish line. “No Man Left Behind,” a concept ingrained in us at USNA, still holds true.
The Out-Fit Challenge supports charities that are making a significant difference in the lives of LGBT individuals across the US. The goal is to support one national charity and one local charity in every city at which they hold an event. We USNA Out members are proud to have completed this challenging event while at the same time support charities important and relevant to our community.
It was USNA Out that brought us together first as alumni, and then as friends. Although we hail from three distinctly different decades of alumni, we have that strong common bond of Annapolis that means so much, particularly as LGBT alumni.
BZ team!
-Jeff Morrison ‘04
Continue reading “6/29/2013 – USNA Out at the NY 5K Out-Fit Challenge”