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USNA Out members were engaged in LGBT Pride Month events in the Fleet and ?? at the workplace.

USNA Out member Paula M. Neira ’85 was the guest speaker for LGBT Month for Naval Facilities and Engineering Command (NAVFAC) at the Washington Navy Yard. Paula is a founding member of USNA Out, and has been a life long dedicated advocate for LGBT open service. Paula’s commitment to LGBT service was recognized by the Secretary of the Navy when she was chosen as the ship’s Co-Sponsor for the USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206).

USNA Out member Steve Hall ’75 was the honored guest speaker at the first ever LGBT Pride Month event at the Strategic Systems Program Office. Steve had served as the Executive Officer of the Sunnyvale, California, branch office 1989-1991. The presentation was sponsored by the Office of Counsel for Strategic System Programs, and hosted by the Program Management Office in Sunnyvale for broadcast enterprise wide. Concluding the celebration, VADM Wolfe spoke about the significant importance that USNA Out fulfills in being role models and mentors to junior officers and midshipmen.