Posting Guidelines

Posting Basics

First: Understand the difference between a PAGE and a POST:

  • Posts are time relative news or event or updates.  Posts are typically in the “News & Events” thread.  Sometimes called blogs.
  • Pages are long-lived pages of information that can be edited to remain current, but are not replaced.  Pages are often linked through the site menu.

All USNA Out members who have opted to be visible on our roster have initially been given “contributor” permission on our WordPress site.  Any USNA Out contributor may create a POST of interest on the website that relates to USNA Out, the Naval Academy and life in the Fleet/FMF including personal stories about you if the Naval Academy or USNA Out is a focus of the story.

USNA Out contributors can also comment on posts when appropriate.

As role models for our peers and those to follow, USNA Out members are encouraged to share their story in our Faces of USNA Out project.  Your story should be written as a PAGE.  To write a page, please contact the web administrators who can give you permissions to write a page.  We default to contributor status so that the website user experience is much cleaner by removing unneeded site functions.

Posted content should be factual unless identified otherwise as farce, satire or fake news.  Content should not negatively reflect on any USNA Alumnus nor the Naval Academy Alumni Association, as negativity will in turn reflect negatively on you and USNA Out.  If you can’t be in agreement or harmony with other members, please take your conversation elsewhere.

Posting privacy considerations. Public posts should not contain the names, situations which identify particular individuals or photographs of members unless those members have granted permission to be publicly identified. Members who have have granted permission to appear in mainstream media have in effect already granted this permission. Names listed film credits are not permission.

Inappropriate content. The following are examples of inappropriate content:

  • Personal business either for profit or non profit.
  • Statements voicing opinions on partisan political issues.
  • Statements regarding candidates or candidacies for public office.
  • Statements that impugn or attack others (with exception of Army-Navy rivalries).

The content administrators reserve the right to not approve or remove content or portions of content considered inappropriate, and remove authoring permission of users who abuse the policy.

USNA Out ceased operations in 2022. This website has been archived for historical purposes.

USNA Pride, a Shared Interest Group of the US Naval Academy Alumni Association, now serves the community of proud LGBTQ+ and allied alumni.

©2003-2022;   USNA Out, all rights reserved.
an independent 501(c)(3) Maryland Benefit Corporation and does not represent the US Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation or the US Naval Academy