11/11/09 Petaluma Veteran’s Day Parade viewing

USNA Out meets the Brigade Staff

Petaluma art gallery owners Donna(L)
and USNA Out’s Linda receiving the
Small Business of the Year award from
State Senator Mark Leno.

Last year, 2008 a few USNA Out members collected at the Pelican Art Gallery on a beautiful day in Petaluma to enjoy the annual Veteran’s Day Parade. It is a very sweet event in the San Francisco North Bay that draws veterans and their families from around the Bay Area. USNA Out member Linda Postenrieder and

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Class Reunion Increases Out Membership

The Class of ‘74 held their 35th (OMG!!) Reunion the weekend of October 2-4, 2009 in Annapolis. I was able to meet fellow USNA Outer, Larry Olson and spend some time getting to know more about each other. During the course of the conversation we were able to identify three additional classmates who should be members of our organization. Unfortunately one is posthumous as not everyone survived the worst part of the ongoing AIDS epidemic. The other two are going unnamed until they have a chance to decide whether they would like to join our group or not. One was in attendance and I had the opportunity to talk for a few minutes and we’ve followed up by email since then. It turns out that he dated for a number of years, a man in my condo complex. Even though he often visited the building next to mine, we never knew about each other. I’m reminded regularly that we live in a small world. With the three newly identified gay classmates, ‘74 is behind only the very swishy class of ‘75 as the class of the 70s with the most gay members.

In other respects it was a typical reunion. Cocktail hours where you need name tags to identify who these old strangers are, lots of recounting of old sea stories and laughs, a successful football game against Air Force and a required trip to the Mid Store. For those of you who really miss Bancroft, you could set up your own memorial room complete with an issue bedspread, b-robe, laundry bags, and even that huge safety pin you were issued. I didn’t go that far, but I do now have plebe issue PT gear that I will enjoy wearing to the gym here at home as opposed to when I wore it to PEP with Heinz Lentz at 0630 every morning.

I was somewhat apprehensive about going to the reunion. I am comfortably out and honest if I get asked about my orientation, but I haven’t interacted with classmates very much and had only told one companymate that I stay in contact with. That pleasantly turned out to be a non-event for me. He is now a History Professor at USNA and I was able to sit in on one of his classes which I really enjoyed. I can’t say how it will turn out for you because my experience is limited. I didn’t get asked directly about my situation but I did get the impression it would not be an issue for most of the people I talked to. Another classmate is testing the waters coming out to his companymates and so far they have been very supportive. I think you can expect the same.

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10/4/2009 – Fraudulent “Gay Annapolis Grad” update

Today the Denver Post reported that Rick Glen Strandlof, a former mental patient who posed as a wounded Marine captain and graduate of the US Naval Academy, is being prosecuted under the Stolen Valor Act for making claims he received a Purple Heart.


On June 8th, an article appeared on page 10 of The New York Times about Richard G. Strandlof, who had for months taken on the identity of Rick Duncan, a gay Iraq war veteran who claimed to be a graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy. Has has made other appearances such as on CNN’s “AC360”


Some more basic facts as we knew them:

Continue reading “10/4/2009 – Fraudulent “Gay Annapolis Grad” update”

10/8 – 10/11/2009 Many USNA Out Members Will Be in DC

Many USNA Out members are coming to the nation’s capital on Columbus Day Weekend — coinciding with the National Equality march and National Coming Day. I have tried to assimilate the plans of events which could be of interest into one schedule (read on below). More information can be found at http://equalityacrossamerica.org/blog/?page_id=19.

Please note that there are three events with “(Rec)” after them. That means Jeff “Recommended.” Those are either events that have proven to be great fun in the past, or are of paramount importance and especially worthy of making a priority in your schedule. It is going to be an extremely busy weekend, and I anticipate that some of the social venues like bars and dance clubs will not be able to accommodate all who wish to enter. Recommend arrival at events on military time — not fashionable (late) time.

I hope that many of you can join us! Go Navy!
Jeff Petrie
USNA ’89


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9/10-9/12 2009 “President’s Circle” Weekend

USNA Out meets the Brigade Staff

USNA Out members Brian Bender ’93,
Steve Clark Hall ’75 and Joe Soto ’83
chat with the Brigade Staff

Three members of USNA Out — Steve Clark Hall ’75, Joe Soto ’83 and Brian Bender ’93 (all part of the Out of Annapolis gang) attended the USNA Foundation’s 2009 “President’s Circle” Weekend in Annapolis. This was the fourth straight year that USNA Out members have attended this special weekend hosted by the USNA Alumni Association and Foundation to recognize the generosity and support from alumni. USNA Out members who are logged onto this website can read a special USNA Out members only report of the weekend. We could not have felt more welcome by the Alumni Association Staff and

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8/30/2009 Annapolis 10 Miler

usna out members marching onto the white house

Joe Soto ’83 with Barb
still dry before running the
Annapolis 10 Miler 8/30/2009

USNA Out was running around Annapolis this weekend. At the race itself we got VIP parking right in front of the stadium for the tailgater. Smokin’ Joe ran a 76 and I had a PR of 1:46 despite the heat and humidity. Duh, it is August in Annapolis.

The day began with a power outage as I was putting in my contact lenses. (My fellow myopes-try putting them in by moonlight next time–it ain’t easy.) The weather at the start was 75 degrees and overcast–just a tease. At mile 3 (for me) the sunglasses went on as the sun beat down and cranked up the temps on King George St. The eventual winner blew past everybody (even the pace car at one point) and won by a 5 minute margin in 49 minutes. I saw him go by as we were on the bridge. Me at mile 4 and he at mile 8. Young whipper-snappers. The ice cold towels and the finisher’s shirts at the end are the best. Thanks to Jeff, MC and Kap who woke up early and rooted us on.

Continue reading “8/30/2009 Annapolis 10 Miler”

6/28/2009 – USNA Out members join Knights Out in SF Pride Parade

eirc shangle '97 & jim maguire '88

USNA Out leading the contingent

On Sunday June 28th 2009, the 40th anniversary of the historic Stonewall Riots, history was made once again as, for the first time, a service academy GLBT alumni group marched proudly and openly as an official contingent in a gay pride parade. Three members of USNA Out (Jim Maguire ’88, Eric Shangle ’97 and Greer Puckett ’75) were among the 35 total members, family and allies of Knights Out, West Point’s GLBT alumni organization, who marched up Market Street during Sunday morning’s San Francisco Gay Pride Parade.

Continue reading “6/28/2009 – USNA Out members join Knights Out in SF Pride Parade”

6/27/2009 – Some USNA Outers Join in March to the White House

usna out members marching onto the white house

Jeff Petrie ’89
and Trey Rhiddlehoover ’89,
pose with other gay service
academy alumni at
Farragut Square 6/27/2009

Although most, if not all, of the USNA Out members want to see an early end to the outdated, cruel and harmful “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” Policy, political activism is not within the primary mission of this alumni group. We are here for the support of each other and those who follow our footsteps as Midshipmen and Officers in the US Navy and Marine Corps.

As of June 27, 2009 there have been an estimated 265 LGBT discharges from the military since President Barack Obama took office. That equates to about two discharges per day. Eight USNA Out members were there the march to remind the Commander-in-Chief of his promise to change the policy that hurts our military and damages our nation’s international reputation. See Trey Rhiddlehoover ’89, and Jeff Petrie ’89 in the image taken with other gay service academy alumni in Farragut Square in downtown Washington, where the march began.

Continue reading “6/27/2009 – Some USNA Outers Join in March to the White House”

6/1/2009 USNA Out at the Annapolis 10 Miler

Annapolis 10M 2008

USNA Out at the Annapolis
10 Mile Race in 2008

Registration is open for the Annapolis 10 Miler. http://www.active.com/framed/event_detail.cfm?CHECKSSO=0&EVENT_ID=1724870 Since this is a great race registration fills up usually within 10 days, so sign up right now. It is well supported from the race directors, the town of Annapolis and the mids. The shirt for the finishers looks great and worth the price of running 10 miles. (Check out our jackets–festive!)

Please let me know when you do register or if you would like to participate in a supporting role as cheerleader or tailgater.

See you in Annapolis,

Continue reading “6/1/2009 USNA Out at the Annapolis 10 Miler”

5/22/2009 – USNA Class of 2009 Graduation & Commissioning

USNA Out at Graduation

USNA Out at Graduation
Joe Soto ’83, Jeff Petrie ’89
Frank McNeil ’83, Reeta Whitney ’82
and Skip Muller ’96

It was truly an honor for 25 USNA Out members, partners, and friends to attend the graduation ceremony for the Naval Academy’s Class of 2009. Because it is difficult to put this intense experience to words, I will let the images will speak for themselves.

Read more and see more

Continue reading “5/22/2009 – USNA Class of 2009 Graduation & Commissioning”

5/1/2009 – “Out of Annapolis” Documentary Film Update

For the most recent update, please see the OUT of ANNAPOLIS page.

out of annapolis promo spot

Filming for the documentary “Out of Annapolis” began in late October 2008 on the Yard of the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Filming of the individual participant interviews began in November, and by May, about ninety-five percent of the planned interviews have been filmed, primarily in locations along the Eastern Seaboard between Washington, DC and Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area. A premier is expected in late 2009.

Read More!

Continue reading “5/1/2009 – “Out of Annapolis” Documentary Film Update”

3/25/2009 USNA Out members can “Vote” to choose our best LOGO.

the current USNA Out logo

the proposed “new” logo

USNA Out members can help decide which of two proposed logo designs is best for achieving the best “brand recognition” for USNA Out. You may “cast you vote” at USNAOUT.org/mo/0903logo

The “Current” Logo

This is the logo which USNA Out has used since the initial inception of the organization. It is simple, similar to the simplicity of the HRC “Equal” logo.

The proposed “new” USNA Out logo

From the artist:

I took the Trident from the logo and the “O” flag square shape to represent a very strong look that could be “your” logo for this and other applications. I see the center arrow which points straight up represents “tradition” a straight (no pun intended) forward vision of our military. The left and right arrows bending in both directions represent our accommodation of diverse qualities we all have within us.

Please help us decide! Cast Your Logo Vote!

Continue reading “3/25/2009 USNA Out members can “Vote” to choose our best LOGO.”

“Out of Annapolis” Documentary Film Update

Filming for the documentary “Out of Annapolis” began in late October 2008 on the Yard of the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Filming of the individual participant interviews began in November, and by January, about fifty percent of the planned interviews have been filmed, primarily in locations along the Eastern Seaboard between Philadelphia and Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Producer Steve Clark Hall ’75 will return to Annapolis during the second week of March and again the last week in April. Filming in Florida, Southern California and Austin will be completed during the month of March.

Our intention is to present a film primarily of interest to the LGBT community for use in numerous LGBT film festivals around the country. A recent article in the Baltimore Sun reported on some of the initial direction of the film.

What we are learning is that over 90% of our participants did not identify as LGBT when they took the Oath of Office as a Midshipman, more than 50% still didn’t identify as LGBT four years later at graduation from the US Naval Academy, when they were commissioned as officers serving in the US Navy and US Marine Corps. And for the vast majority, the coming out process was very, very difficult, sometimes impacting performance and usually impacting their career aspirations. Deployments and service within the war zones had the added stress of separation from their partners who had to remain invisible. As a whole, this project is revealing that despite the added pressures of living within the restrictions of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” we continue to be very dedicated to serving our country while remaining very dedicated to our families.

We have now identified over 200 LGBT Naval Academy Alumni, many who cannot participate in the project as they remain on active duty in service to their country. This number continues to grow. Our outreach will continue throughout the project so that we can better put a face on who we, the LGBT Alumni, really are.

Out of Annapolis” is expected to be released in early summer, 2009. A short trailer for entry into Frameline 33 as a “work in progress” was submitted as part of the entry application. Frameline is the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival, the world’s oldest and largest queer film festival. If “Out of Annapolis” is accepted as an entry, its debut will be at Frameline 33 in San Francisco which runs June 18-28, 2009.

You may view the trailer for “Out of Annapolis” on YouTube or at OutOfAnnapolis.com. Production updates, participant lists, schedules and inquiry contact information can also be found at the film website at OutOfAnnapolis.com. Some portions of the site are restricted to the registered participants.

“Out of Annapolis” Documentary Film in Production

Filming for the documentary “Out of Annapolis” began in late October 2008 on the Yard of the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Filming of the individual participant interviews began in November, and by the holiday hiatus in mid December, about forty percent of the planned interviews have been filmed, primarily in locations along the Eastern Seaboard between Philadelphia and Boston. Additionally, about 18 percent of the planned “off-camera” interviews, a study to develop an overall profile of the LGBT alumni in conjunction with the film, have also been completed.

Our original intention was to present a film primarily of interest to the LGBT community for use in numerous LGBT film festivals around the country. A recent article in the Baltimore Sun reported on some of the initial direction of the film. But as production progresses further, the stories being told are being realized as too powerful and too important to remain within this limited audience.

What we are learning is that over 90% of our participants did not identify as LGBT when they took the Oath of Office as a Midshipman, more than 50% still didn’t identify as LGBT four years later at graduation from the US Naval Academy, when they were commissioned as officers serving in the US Navy and US Marine Corps. And for the vast majority, the coming out process was very, very difficult, sometimes impacting performance and usually impacting their career aspirations. Deployments and service within the war zones had the added stress of separation from their partners who had to remain invisible. As a whole, this project is revealing that despite the added pressures of living within the restrictions of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” we continue to be very dedicated to serving our country while remaining very dedicated to our families.

We have now identified over 200 LGBT Naval Academy Alumni, many who cannot participate in the project as they remain on active duty in service to their country. This number continues to grow. Our outreach will continue throughout the project so that we can better put a face on who we, the LGBT Alumni, really are.

Production updates, participant lists, schedules and inquiry contact information can be found at the film website at OutOfAnnapolis.com. Some portions of the site are restricted to the registered participants. It is planned that a film “trailer” will be posted on the website in Mid-January, 2009.

USNA Out at Army-Navy 2008

Photo Above: USNA Out members Eric Shangle ’97,
Lee Ingleright ’97, Jeff Petrie ’89
Joe Soto ’83, and Steve Clark Hall ’75
at the SAGALA Army Navy Tailgater

Army-Navy Weekend 2008 will go down in military history as one of The Best Ever!

USNA Out members were joined by our fellow Alumni, friends and families from West Point, New London and Kings Point for a long weekend of festivities surrounding the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia.

USNA Out ceased operations in 2022. This website has been archived for historical purposes.

USNA Pride, a Shared Interest Group of the US Naval Academy Alumni Association, now serves the community of proud LGBTQ+ and allied alumni.

©2003-2022;   USNA Out, all rights reserved.
an independent 501(c)(3) Maryland Benefit Corporation and does not represent the US Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation or the US Naval Academy