A Brief History of our Logo
The USNA Out logo had an early beginning as a design in transition. Although not officially adopted, through common usage, the “Oscar with Trident” has become the symbol known the world around as the mark of USNA Out.
The original design came from the need for a “FAV ICON” for our custom designed website placed into service in February, 2005. A favicon is that little icon in the web browser page address field, sometimes on the webpage tab. Favicons are 16×16 pixels. Some examples of other favicons are on our “links” page.
There was no specific reason other than thinking of “O” for “Out” that the ICS Oscar signal flag popped into mind of our web guru. The oscar flag was a simple, two color design, easy to create the .PNG and .ICO files needed for our website favicon. The ICS Oscar remains our FAV ICON.

The ICS Oscar flag was temporarily inserted into the headline banner on our web pages until a organizational logo could be developed. In February 2005, USNA Out sponsored a “Logo Design Contest” amongst the members with a deadline of 1 April. With no entires, the deadline was extended until after tax day, yet still no entries were received. As a nautical icon had already been recognized by most every alumnus of the Naval Academy who had a plebe year, the Oscar remained the favorite and accepted icon through common usage.
Prior to the 2008 Annapolis 10 miler, a graphic artist friend of Jeff Petrie modified the Oscar flag with the overlaid contemporary tridenti sine polum. USNA Out legal counsel Randall Henderson ’69 then acquired on behalf of USNA Out the unrestricted universal rights for USNA Out to use the logo with the overlay from the designer for use in the OUT of ANNAPOLIS film.
The next modification was unintended, but a result of the proofing for USNA Out lapel pins. The pin printing process left a slight gap between colors with the natural brass of the pin base showing through.
… and as of May, 2013, when it was approved by the US Patent and Trade Mark Office, it became official.
World Famous
Today, the Oscar with Trident design can be found on tailgater flags, our racing t-shirts, on the lapels of USNA Out members, on Bancroft Hall door nametags and on our rear bumpers and under our shoulder boards. Our thanks to those who have made contributions to USNA Out.