How many members are there in USNA Out?
as of 1 March 2018 we have 408 members, 360 of those have told us that they identify as LGBT. For more info, please see more about who we are.
So there are only 360 lesbian and gay alumni of the US Naval Academy?
No, there are 360 LGBT members of USNA Out. There are now over 600 identified LGBT Alumni of the Naval Academy, including 22 deceased alumni. However, many of our shipmates feel that they need to remain closeted as they are still serving on active duty or for professional or personal reasons they cannot “come out” as LGBT. Yes, there is still workplace discrimination even in the civilian work place, perceived and real.
How many gay and lesbian midshipmen are there currently at the Naval Academy?
We do not know. It is not within the mission of USNA Out to directly foster relationships with midshipmen, straight or gay, although some of our members do act as “sponsors” or mentors.
Why didn’t USNA Out do more to fight “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell?”
Many of our individual members were very active in fighting for the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” but did so as individuals and members of other organizations which lobbying for policy change was a mission of the organization, such as the Service Academy Gay and Lesbian Alumni NETwork (, the Servicemen’s Legal Defense Network (SLDN) and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).
Our mission is pretty clear and focused. We are here to support the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association and Foundation. We have worked hard to bring back many of the disenfranchised LGBT alumni who over time have felt disassociated from the U.S. Naval Academy and the Alumni Association because of their sexual or gender identity.
What is the relationship between USNA Out and any gay or lesbian Midshipmen at the US Naval Academy?
The USNA Spectrum is the Gay-Straight Relations club for the United States Naval Academy. USNA Out does not have an official connection to the ECA, however, our members are frequently invited to participate in Spectrum sessions and activities.
How can one tell looking at your website who are the gays/lesbians and who are your straight “allies?”
You can’t. Membership in USNA Out is open to all alumni of the US Naval Academy.
Does USNA Out continue to seek “Chapter Status” with the Naval Academy Alumni Association?
No. The request for a gay chapter is a part of our past. USNA Out is a “shared interest group” (SIG) and as such, we are one of the most organized and active SIGs at the Academy. The Board of Trustees of the Naval Academy Alumni Association adopted the SIG program in the May 2018 meeting. USNA Out is now eligible to apply for SIG status.