USNA ’04
Jeff is originally from Huntington Beach, California, where he grew up near the sandy shoreline of Surf City, USA. Having spent the majority of his childhood as a surfer, the Navy was far from his mind. Jeff played varsity football at Huntington Beach High School (Go Oilers!) where he was recruited as a senior to play for Navy.

Jeff took the bait being recruited to play on the Navy Football team. After a short pit stop in Newport, Rhode lsland, Jeff did a quick change of sports to torture himself on the Heavyweight Crew but after two years joined the many ex-crewers around the yard. Jeff graduated near the top of his class with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Systems Engineering.

After graduation, Jeff took off for Sub School in New London, just a quick drive from his favorite beach town at the end of the Cape. After completing his nuclear power training pipeline in Charleston, SC and Ballston Spa, NY, Jeff was shipped back to SoCal to join the wardroom of the USS HELENA (SSN 725) home-ported at Point Loma. After one WESTPAC, one SOUTHCOM, a trip under the ice, and four Commanding Officers, Jeff landed a shore billet in DC which gave him the opportunity to earn his masters degree in Engineering Management at the Catholic University of America. Opting to never again experience recycled air and no sunlight for months on end, Jeff laterally transferred to a desk as a civilian federal employee in DC.

From Jeff:
I’ve been gay for as long as I can remember and it never once dissuaded me from joining the Navy. I’m sad I wasn’t on active duty to experience the end to ‘don’t ask don’t tell,’ but as a reservist I stood with my active duty counterparts in celebration. I could not be happier that my brothers and sisters in arms no longer have to hide who they are, or who they love. I wish I could have experienced such freedom!
Please feel free to contact Jeff here at USNA Out.[contact-form-7 id=”1282″ title=”Jeff Morrison”]