Oscar is for…




Man Overboard Drill

Lookout — Man Overboard! Port (or starboard) side!

OOD — Port (stbd) engine stop! Left (right) full rudder!
Sound six blasts on the ship’s whistle!
Sound one (two) blasts on the ship’s whistle!
Break the Oscar flag!
Bo’suns Mate! Where’s the Bo’suns mate?

Bo’suns Mate — Bo’suns Mate, aye, aye.

OOD — Take Charge!

Bo’suns Mate — Man number 3 (or 3) lifeboat!
Stand by the falls!
Lower away together; Stand by to let fall!
Let go the after fall!
Let go the forward fall!
Coxswain, take charge!

Coxswain — Stand by your oars!
Out Oars!
Cast off the sea painter!
Give way together!

USNA Out ceased operations in 2022. This website has been archived for historical purposes.

USNA Pride, a Shared Interest Group of the US Naval Academy Alumni Association, now serves the community of proud LGBTQ+ and allied alumni.

©2003-2022;   USNA Out, all rights reserved.
an independent 501(c)(3) Maryland Benefit Corporation and does not represent the US Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation or the US Naval Academy