“Out of Annapolis” Documentary Film Update

Filming for the documentary “Out of Annapolis” began in late October 2008 on the Yard of the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Filming of the individual participant interviews began in November, and by January, about fifty percent of the planned interviews have been filmed, primarily in locations along the Eastern Seaboard between Philadelphia and Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Producer Steve Clark Hall ’75 will return to Annapolis during the second week of March and again the last week in April. Filming in Florida, Southern California and Austin will be completed during the month of March.

Our intention is to present a film primarily of interest to the LGBT community for use in numerous LGBT film festivals around the country. A recent article in the Baltimore Sun reported on some of the initial direction of the film.

What we are learning is that over 90% of our participants did not identify as LGBT when they took the Oath of Office as a Midshipman, more than 50% still didn’t identify as LGBT four years later at graduation from the US Naval Academy, when they were commissioned as officers serving in the US Navy and US Marine Corps. And for the vast majority, the coming out process was very, very difficult, sometimes impacting performance and usually impacting their career aspirations. Deployments and service within the war zones had the added stress of separation from their partners who had to remain invisible. As a whole, this project is revealing that despite the added pressures of living within the restrictions of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” we continue to be very dedicated to serving our country while remaining very dedicated to our families.

We have now identified over 200 LGBT Naval Academy Alumni, many who cannot participate in the project as they remain on active duty in service to their country. This number continues to grow. Our outreach will continue throughout the project so that we can better put a face on who we, the LGBT Alumni, really are.

Out of Annapolis” is expected to be released in early summer, 2009. A short trailer for entry into Frameline 33 as a “work in progress” was submitted as part of the entry application. Frameline is the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival, the world’s oldest and largest queer film festival. If “Out of Annapolis” is accepted as an entry, its debut will be at Frameline 33 in San Francisco which runs June 18-28, 2009.

You may view the trailer for “Out of Annapolis” on YouTube or at OutOfAnnapolis.com. Production updates, participant lists, schedules and inquiry contact information can also be found at the film website at OutOfAnnapolis.com. Some portions of the site are restricted to the registered participants.

USNA Out ceased operations in 2022. This website has been archived for historical purposes.

USNA Pride, a Shared Interest Group of the US Naval Academy Alumni Association, now serves the community of proud LGBTQ+ and allied alumni.

©2003-2022;   USNA Out, all rights reserved.
an independent 501(c)(3) Maryland Benefit Corporation and does not represent the US Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation or the US Naval Academy