3/25/2009 USNA Out members can “Vote” to choose our best LOGO.

the current USNA Out logo

the proposed “new” logo

USNA Out members can help decide which of two proposed logo designs is best for achieving the best “brand recognition” for USNA Out. You may “cast you vote” at USNAOUT.org/mo/0903logo

The “Current” Logo

This is the logo which USNA Out has used since the initial inception of the organization. It is simple, similar to the simplicity of the HRC “Equal” logo.

The proposed “new” USNA Out logo

From the artist:

I took the Trident from the logo and the “O” flag square shape to represent a very strong look that could be “your” logo for this and other applications. I see the center arrow which points straight up represents “tradition” a straight (no pun intended) forward vision of our military. The left and right arrows bending in both directions represent our accommodation of diverse qualities we all have within us.

Please help us decide! Cast Your Logo Vote!

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